Tattile Axle Counter fills the missing link of automatically providing all relevant vehicle information for a variety of applications, including tolling. Full onboard processing makes any other external devices unnecessary, says Tattile.  

A key feature is the embedded intelligence enabling the system to efficiently support critical traffic conditions such as recognising stationary and queued vehicles as well as slow moving queues.  

In addition, automatic vehicle detection guarantees a detection rate of 99.5 per cent of all passing vehicles, and the accuracy at high-vehicle throughput, such as on busy highways, is outstanding. Tattile says its axle counter can count up to 2,400 vehicles per hour and a peak of one vehicle per second for up to 60 seconds in extreme dense traffic periods. The maximum vehicle speed for correct measurement is 250km/h.  

Meanwhile, Inside Inspection is an important, ground-breaking innovation in high occupancy vehicle tolling enforcement as well as seat belt and phone use enforcement. Additionally, it provides a tool for statistical data collection for safe driving behaviour and security applications.

Inside Inspection uses an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm for best performance in detection and recognition of front seat vehicle occupants. There is optional on-edge face detection as well as triggered operating mode. Tattile says Inside Inspection provides identification of all passing vehicles without an external trigger.

Read the article on ITS International website